I thought that the first few pictures I snapped of Croatia were gone forever. After only taking a few, there were complications with the memory card. Several techniques to recover the photos didn't work so I went out and bought a new card. The other day I had troubles with my other memory card. Again I thought I had lost the images. I found this photo recovery program and I was able to recover the photos from both cards! I am very glad that the images are not lost forever. Here are the first pictures I took in Croatia.

At the Vancouver Airport checking and weighing my luggage.

In the city center on the night I arrived.
Each year there is a festival of the city in
Varaždin called
Špancirfest. When I arrived there were only two days left of the festival. The night I arrived my host parents took me to the town center. I was tired, jet lagged and a bit
dazed but I still enjoyed myself. This festival is over a week long and is filled with performers from around the world, presentations of old crafts, street
performances, comedies, children's shows, vendors and much more.
Unfortunately I was only able to take in two evenings of the festival but at least I got to
experience some of it.
The weekend after I arrived I went to my
YEO's (Youth Exchange Officer) house for lunch. Afterwards we drove out of town to a
restaurant atop a hill (Hotel
La'Gus) for ice cream. Here are some views of
Varaždin from afar.